Quilter & Knitter
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
I'm going to Florida for the holiday and to visit with the family there.
We went to Smithville for lunch on Monday. We had a nice lunch. Had to wait for the goose parade to pass, before we could continue to shop. They were on their way to lunch also.
It is hard to tell how hard the wind was blowing, but this is photo of the bay which is normally has waves just rolling to the beach. This is where I found several pieces of sea glass, including a very small piece of red glass.
This last photo shows the only swimmer that braved the wind at the pool. Took the same dive several times. I also had time to complete a pair of socks and made several squares for my next quilt.
We had a great time and made plans to go again next year.
The little guy on the step, has started to follow Tom out to the garden.
So if he is still here when we get back
Maybe he will move inside
Tom took his fishing pole, but realized when he got on the lake that he forgot his license. However he did catch a red plaid shirt (the one he was wearing) with one of his fishing lores, hooked it in the back and it gave quite a fight, embedding the hooks quite deeply. So in the middle of the lake I had to cut out the hooks, to permit him to paddle himself to shore. Not quite a fish, but something pretty big, about 175 lbs. Top that britknitter's sister.