Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Clean House

...too bad it is not mine. It is the bird house in the photo. This house was a birthday gift from a co-worker last year, so this is the first year it's been up and verrry busy. First there was a pair of bluebirds checking it out for several days, but I knew they would not nest there because it is not the correct location. Early spring there was a family of sparrows. I couldn't tell how many babies, but if all the noise was any measure, there could have been at least a half dozen. Next a pair of barn swallows moved in. They had two sets of babies with a total of about six little ones between the two hatchings. The swallows were fun to watch. Each night, while I soaked in the hot tub, they were flying and diving above me catching insects. They are very skillful fliers, very acrobatic. It is amazing that they never flew into each other, as sometimes there were three or four birds flying at the same time. Last Wednesday, while I was at work they moved out and I haven't seen one since.

Today when I came home, I found this pile of feathers around the base of the pole. They were all a brilliant white probably from the tails of the swallows.

Obviously, some one else was cleaning out the house. Tonight while I was in the hot tub, I saw the new resident, a house wren. Now, I know the male will build several nests and let the female choose the best one. For several weeks a wren has been singing about the nest he built in a Williamsburg pottery house by the front window. It is fun to watch him singing about his creation. However, this is not a good location- no shade- in the direct sun most of the day, probably over 1oo degress most days. No female would pick this nest. I know this new house is a much better choice. Good luck, Buddy. I hope to hear some little ones soon.

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