I purchased a new crock pot last weekend. After 30 years, I finally replaced the old one. Worked great, but would not fit into the space of the old one in the cabinet. So the cabinet needed to be rearranged. Now organized by date (threw out the out dated ones) and type, I hope that it will remain that way. Note to myself: No need to purchase chicken noodle soup for many months. Looks great.

Close by is a table that I use for quilting supplies, that was calling out for attention. There is another cabinet that holds the fabric in bins. The pile on the table is scraps, strips and pieces from completed projects. I began to organize by color. Surprisingly, very few reds and orange, I guess I used them up entirely in the quilts. However, lots of green and blue strips. I ran out of room on the table, so upstairs I went to use up those first piles of scraps.
I straightened up those strips by rotary cutting them into even pieces, any width. Then sewed them together, starting with the longest, then adding on shorter pieces making sure that the same fabrics were not sewn next to each other. Then taking a 6" square ruler, set on point, cut out the squares. Sashing was added to two sides of each square, the all sewn together. Sashing was added to the final two sides, then quilted. I'll add binding later, when I feel like some hand work. Back to the basement, to finish the clean up, maybe find two more quilts hidden the mess.